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空气质量 在室内茁壮成长


改善波特兰住宅的空气质素 & 周边地区

The EPA rates poor indoor air quality in the top five environmental risks to public health. With over 50 million allergy and 20 million asthma sufferers in the country, 千亿体育娱乐平台 想要帮助改善室内空气质量和整体健康. 

We proudly offer a broad range of indoor air quality services in 波特兰 that are proven to be effective in getting rid of common pollutants such as dust, 污垢, 头皮屑, 以及空气中的其他病毒和细菌. 

作为一家真正关心你的舒适和健康的公司, we are committed to providing only the most reliable and effective air quality systems for your home.

Learn about your options today and receive a complimentary quote for indoor air quality services in 波特兰, 以及周边地区. 千亿体育娱乐 at (503) 783-8488!


There are many simple and effective air quality solutions available on the market today for imporing the indoor air quality of your home in 波特兰. 取决于我们的发现, we may recommend either one or a combination of the air quality systems we offer.

Here are some of the systems that can help improve your indoor air quality:

  • 空气过滤器 -介质过滤器可捕获潜在的空气污染物,小至 .在它们穿过你的家之前的3微米.
  • 空气净化器 – 空气净化器s use a combination of electrostatic technology and traditional air filter to remove up to 99% of airborne particles* as small as 0.1微米.
  • 紫外线灯 – Ultraviolet light exposure inhibits the growth of contaminants at their source, 尽量减少线圈上的灰尘和污垢积聚, 减少空气中的微粒, 提高系统效率. 
  • 新风通风系统 – Designed to minimize energy loss while bringing fresh air into your home and exiting stale air year-round without overworking your system.
  • 增湿器 – Distribute moisture throughout your home to help with irritated sinuses, 皮肤瘙痒, 静电, 甚至连木制品都开裂了, 壁纸, 或油漆. The humidifier will help you save money on your energy bills since humidified air feels warmer than dry air—so your thermostat can be set at a lower temperature.
  • 除湿机 – Because too much 湿度 in the home can also cause significant health, 家具, 基础问题, we offer quality dehumidifiers to help take out some of the moisture from your indoor air. 这些系统也可以帮助你的舒适和能源成本, 尤其是在夏天, 因为湿度越低,空气就越冷. 

We also offer air balancing testing to further improve your home comfort. This process allows you to determine the amount of airflow from your heating and air conditioning, making sure you have enough to have even temperatures throughout your home. 

如果你和你的家人总是经历热点和冷点, our air balancing test can help us pinpoint problem areas and adjust your HVAC system accordingly.


Bad indoor air quality can have a range of adverse effects on your health and well-being. 



  • 经常咳嗽、打喷嚏、鼻塞或流鼻涕.
  • 哮喘症状加重.
  • 呼吸道感染的发病率增加.


  • 过敏症状加重,如眼睛、喉咙或皮肤发痒.
  • 对花粉或宠物皮屑等过敏原更加敏感.

头痛和疲劳: 无明显原因的经常头痛或感到疲劳.


  • 眼睛发红、发痒或流泪.
  • 喉咙痛或干.
  • 皮肤皮疹或刺激.

气味: 家里有难闻或发霉的气味.

模具增长: 墙壁、天花板或其他表面有明显的霉菌生长.


  • 高湿度导致空气中有潮湿的感觉.
  • 窗户或墙壁上凝结.

浑浊的空气: 闷:持续的憋气或缺乏新鲜空气的感觉.

过多的灰尘: 灰尘比平时多,说明空气过滤不良.

一氧化碳症状: Symptoms like dizziness, 恶心想吐, or confusion may indicate a carbon monoxide leak. 安装一氧化碳探测器来提醒您注意这种危险.

挥发性有机化合物(VOCs): 头痛等症状, 恶心想吐, or eye and throat irritation can result from exposure to VOCs found in some cleaning products, 油漆, 和家具.

氡接触: Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can seep into homes from the ground. 它是导致肺癌的主要原因. 在已知存在氡问题的地区,检测氡至关重要.

通风不良: A lack of adequate airflow, which can result in a buildup of indoor pollutants.

If you experience several of these symptoms or notice signs like mold growth or strange odors, 采取行动改善室内空气质量至关重要. 

这可能涉及改善通风, 使用空气净化器, 减少使用含挥发性有机化合物的产品, 解决任何潜在的污染源, 比如泄漏, 湿度, 或者一氧化碳. 

在某些情况下, consulting with a professional indoor air quality specialist may be necessary to identify and rectify the issue.


As part of our mission to improve indoor air quality and keep customers safe, 我们也提供一氧化碳报警器. 

These alarms use sophisticated electronics and unmatched sensor technology to detect and record the levels of CO circulating in your indoor air. You can monitor the current CO level in your home on a large, easy-to-read digital display. 

当一氧化碳浓度达到危险水平时, 一声, 声音警报自动提醒您和您的家人.


Did you know that the air inside your home can be up to five times more polluted than the air outside? 糟糕的室内空气质量会对你的健康产生负面影响, 导致过敏的, 呼吸系统问题, 以及其他健康问题. 金字塔式供暖 & 冷却, we offer state-of-the-art air purification systems to help you breathe cleaner and healthier air in your 波特兰 home.


  • 去除过敏原,如灰尘、花粉和宠物皮屑
  • 消除有害细菌和病毒
  • 减少气味及挥发性有机化合物
  • 改善呼吸系统健康和缓解过敏
  • 改善整体室内空气质素

Our team of experts can assess your indoor air quality and recommend the best air purification system for your specific needs. 不要损害你的健康和幸福. 千亿体育娱乐 today to schedule a consultation and start breathing cleaner air in your 波特兰 home.



Indoor air quality is important because poor air quality can have negative effects on our health. It can cause 呼吸系统问题, allergies, 以及其他健康问题. By improving indoor air quality, we can create a healthier living environment.


常见的室内空气污染物包括灰尘, 污垢, 宠物毛屑, 花粉, 霉菌孢子, 以及家用产品中的挥发性有机化合物(VOCs). These pollutants can cause allergies, asthma, and other 呼吸系统问题.


Air purification systems can help improve indoor air quality by filtering out pollutants and contaminants. 它们可以清除灰尘, 花粉, 宠物毛屑, 霉菌孢子, 和其他空气中的微粒, 让空气更清洁,更健康.


安装空气净化系统可以提供几个好处. 它可以减少过敏和哮喘症状, 去除难闻的气味, 消除有害细菌和病毒, 创造更清洁、更健康的室内环境.


The frequency of filter replacements depends on the type of air purification system and the manufacturer's recommendations. 在一般情况下, it is recommended to replace the filters every 3 to 6 months to maintain optimal performance and efficiency.


是的,空气净化系统可以帮助宠物过敏. 它们可以过滤掉宠物皮屑和其他过敏原, reducing the allergen levels in the air and providing relief for people with pet allergies.

免费预估! 在线千亿体育娱乐 或者打电话给我们 (503) 783-8488 开始我们的波特兰室内空气质量服务!


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  • 我们的技术人员
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  • 融资选择

    Our many financing options with approved credit will give you the peace of mind you deserve. 


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